An official army family and MWR Site

Bastogne Teen Center



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Looking for something fun to do on Saturdays?

The Bastogne Teen Center (BTC) is now open every Saturday from 12-6pm, and it's packed with awesome activities just for YOU! Whether you're into soccer, movies, cooking, art, or want to show off your skills in video gaming, we've got something for everyone. Challenge your friends to an epic air hockey match, or join in on one of our exciting tournaments. Plus, don't miss out on volleyball and so much more!

For more info, give us a call at +1(270)461-0995 or +1(270)461-0996.

Remember, you must be registered with CYS to join in on the fun!





If you love dances, lock-ins, making new friends, water parks, movies, and music, the Middle School Program is just what you've been looking for. MST provides recreational and educational programs for Middle School youth in 6th - 8th grade. The activities within the programs are fun, diverse, and, youth-driven. The goal of this program is to provide youth with many wide-ranging recreational, social, leadership and volunteer opportunities that will ultimately prevent at-risk behavior during the transition from childhood to young adulthood.

The Teen Program grades 9th-12th offers activities planned by teens, for teens. Activities offered include: social activities, volunteer opportunities, and job preparation and referral, and community service opportunities.

The Teen program strives to provide the challenges, experiences, and support to help teens develop to their fullest potential.  Youth development programs exist to promote positive, healthy, development of teens. To maximize youth developmental efforts, teen programs target five service areas – education support and career development, character and leadership development, health, wellness and life skills, the arts and, as well as leisure and recreation activities.

Visit MWR's CYS Online Services page to reserve hourly care, make payments, sign up for activities, view child care statements and much more!

Youth must be registered with CYS in order to attend the program.

Program Information

To accomplish our goals, CYS Services has identified 5 Services Areas that provide a healthy, stimulating, and positive environment for youth:

Education Support and Career Development

Character and Leadership Development

Health, Wellness and Life Skills

The Arts

Sports, Fitness, and Recreation

Both the Middle School and Teen Programs offer these service areas through different types of clubs, social events, and by partnering with 4-H of America, Boys & Girls Club of America, and championing Character Counts values in all youth. Our clubs include:

BGCA Smart Moves, Smart Girls, and Man Talk Clubs (Life-Skills & Informed Decision-making)

Keystone & Torch Clubs (Leadership Skills and Community Service).

Photography, Video, and Audio Production

Youth of the Year

Jr. Executive Committee

Performing Arts

Creative Arts




Outdoor Adventure

Homework Lab

We also have Youth Sponsorship Program which helps relocate youth to become familiar with their new home at Fort Campbell and assists young adults when moving to a new post. We are always looking for new youth sponsors. Our Jr. Executive Committee is comprised of youth who with Youth Services administration to integrate new programs and ideas into the Youth Services program.  Our Health and Wellness is a program that provides fitness activities, nutritional and well-being education and allows youth to organize and plan their own athletic tournaments.

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👇 Click for more information


Thank you Boys & Girls Clubs of America
for your support of our MIddle School & Teen Program!


  • Bastogne Teen Center
  • Hours:
    When School is in Session
    When School is Out
    When School is in Session
    When School is Out
    When School is in Session
    When School is Out
    When School is in Session
    When School is Out
    When School is in Session
    When School is Out
    Federal Holiday
    2nd Tuesdsay of the Month
    When School is in Session

More Child & Youth Services


Month of the Military Child Color Run 5K/1M

Join us at Shaw PFC for a vibrant celebration of our military children at the Month of the Military Child Color Run 5K/1M event! This family-friendly affair promises fun for everyone, from furry friends to little ones in strollers, with an array of colorful activities and experiences.

Apr 5 10 am - 12 pm

Parents' Day Out

Need a day without the kids? Parents' Day Out gives you the opportunity to take a well-deserved break! Children must be registered with CYS prior to participating in this program.

Apr 12 8 am - 4 pm

Month of the Military Child: Operation Megaphone

Calling all middle and high school students registered with CYS in grades 6th through 12th! Join us at the Bastogne Teen Center for an exciting night of fun during the Worldwide Virtual Military Teen Summit lock-in. Activities will include sports, Nerf wars, dance party, game tournaments, arts and crafts and more! Dinner, snacks and breakfast will be provided. Don't miss out on this unforgettable event!

Apr 25 7 pm - 6:30 am

Month of the Military Child: KidsFest

You're invited to join us for a Month of the Military Child KidsFest! It's a celebration filled with fun activities, themed displays, lively DJ music, exciting giveaways, beloved characters, and so much more!

Apr 26 10 am - 2 pm