An official army family and MWR Site

Physical Fitness Centers

Fort Campbell FY 2025 DONSA Calendar (pdf) 
Updated Oct 2024

👇 Click to view our Proper / Improper Attire (dress code) for all PFC Facilities (pdf) 👇FC-PFC-attire-BANNER.png


📢 PFC Rules & Regulations


📌 100% ID Check after 0800 (Even in uniform)

📌 No Gum, Candy, Food or Tobacco products allowed.

📌 Sports drinks and water allowed.

📌 Absolutely NO Dunking!

📌 Boots allowed EXCEPT on cardio equipment & basketball courts.


📌 For safety, personnel may not bring sports bags into weightlifting areas. 

📌 Only approved court shoes that do not leave scuff marks will be permitted on playing areas, courts and exercise equipment.

📌 Patrons must wear appropriate clothing, I.E. shirt, shorts, tennis shoes or sweat clothes.

📌 Children 12 years and under are not authorized use of mechanical cardiovascular equipment; strength, sauna, or steam rooms.

📌 Spotters are required for all free weight training.

📌 All equipment will be returned to racks or their appropriate place after use.

📌REG 215-63; smoking and tobacco products are prohibited within 50 feet of the facility.

📌 Food and beverages are prohibited in the facility.

📌 Patrons may not use makeshift pins, nails, ETC. on weight machines.

📌 Collars must be used on all free wiehgt bars.

📌 All patrons must wipe padded areas after use.

📌 Report any unsafe practices by other patrons to the PFC staff. 


Fort Campbell offers 5 Physical Fitness Centers (PFCs) to meet all of your fitness needs. Each PFC offers unique fitness opportunities. Please view each facility below to find the perfect PFC for you!

Shaw PFC - Max Patrons 3,373

 24/7 Access

Shaw PFC has 24/7 access with limited staffed hours of operation.

Staffed Hours:
Monday - Friday: 5am-8pm
Saturday - Sunday: 8am-4pm
DONSAs: 8am-4pm


Be sure to register your CAC today!
To register for a 24/7 access pass for Lozada and Shaw PFCs, bring your CAC to either Estep, Lozada or Shaw PFCs during staffed hours of operation. 

Authorized Patrons

Individuals with a DoD ID Card:  Soldiers, Family Members, Retirees, Civilians
Patrons ages 13-15 must be accompanied by an adult.
Patrons age 16+ are allowed full access.

Shaw PFC is a 67,000+ square foot two story facility and offers:

  • One 40 foot 3 station climbing wall
  • Rubber floored multifunctional basketball court
  • 2 wooden multifunctional athletic courts
  • Dual exercise training room
  • Fitness balcony
  • Cardio balcony 
  • 3 lane track overlooking the multifunctional wooden court
  • Spacious locker rooms are each equipped with separate male and female saunas
  • Outside the facility is a multi ‐purpose field and 2 regulation softball fields
  • Aerobics classes are offered for a small fee.
Sabo PFC - Max Patrons 1,932

Authorized Patrons

Individuals with a DoD ID Card:  Soldiers, Family Members, Retirees, Civilians
Patrons ages 13-15 must be accompanied by an adult.
Patrons age 16+ are allowed full access.

Sabo was opened in March 2004 and is located in the area of 2nd Brigade barracks. Sabo is a free facility, which means we do not charge a fee for any of our activities or to utilize the facility.

Sabo offers two full (floating wood floor) basketball courts; which can be utilized for basketball, volleyball, and soccer. It can also be utilized for change of commands, deployments, re-deployments, etc..  
We have a spacious multipurpose room and a new layout for the cardio and weight lifting areas.

Sabo offers:

  • Individual male & female saunas
  • Locker rooms, and bathrooms
  • Weight/cardio room consisting of Life fitness, Strive, Body Master and Precor equipment
  • Treadmills, recumbent and upright bikes
  • Free-weight room consisting of Smith Station, Body Master, and Hammer Strength equipment, with dumbbells that go up to 150lbs
  • Multi-purpose room that is used for Functional P.T., WELLBEATS™ upon request, and an AB Workout area with Concept 2 Rowers, Stabilization Balls, Medicine Balls and Kettle Bells.
  • Kettlebells, bars, and rowing machines    
Lozada PFC - Max Patrons 1,059

24/7 Access

Lozada PFC has 24/7 access with limited staffed hours of operation.

Staffed Hours:
Monday - Friday: 6am-2:30pm

Be sure to register your CAC today!
To register for a 24/7 access pass for Lozada and Shaw PFCs, bring your CAC to either Estep, Lozada or Shaw PFCs during staffed hours of operation. ​​​​​​​


  • Patrons age 16 and older may access the facility from 6am to 7pm, Mon-Fri.
  • Patrons age 18 and older (or AD 17+) will be allowed access 24/7.

Built in 1963 Lozada PFC consists of 27,618 sq ft.  In 2011 a 7,200 sq ft addition was added to the facility. This addition has been designated as the weight room.  The facility offers:

  • Weight room
  • Male/female locker and showers
  • Co‐ed sauna
  • Basketball court
  • Cardio room equipped with treadmills, elliptical, Stairmaster, summit climbers, stepper, versa climber, rowers, motion trainers, and a Jacobs ladder.
  • WELLBEATS™ room for interactive classes.

Lozada PFC has a full sized basketball court with synthetic polymer flooring, large cardio area, and co-ed sauna. In addition, Lozada has a large weight room and Spin bike/Well Beats room.

Lozada has a multipurpose room filled with Bosu balls, kettlebells, rowers, yoga mats, plyometric boxes, and stability balls.

Call 270.798.4306 to check on holiday status.

Estep PFC - Max Patrons 1,108

Authorized Patrons

Individuals with a DoD ID Card:  Soldiers, Family Members, Retirees, Civilians
Patrons ages 13-15 must be accompanied by an adult.
Patrons age 16+ are allowed full access.

Estep Physical Fitness Center is the newest addition to Fort Campbell’s Physical Fitness Centers.  As a former fee-based Wellness Center, Estep still offers many of the amenities it offered before, but with the additional benefit that daily use of the facility is free.  Estep will continue to help you with improving your health and wellness by offering both instructor led classes and personal training, both at a nominal cost.  Estep PFC will also become home to the Alpha Warrior Battle Rig, a functional fitness structure designed to improve a Soldier’s warfighting abilities. This Physical Fitness Center also has a co-ed spa area which encompasses a sauna, steam room and locker rooms.  

The cardio room is filled with ellipticals, treadmills, recumbent bikes, Adaptive Motion Trainers, a Summit Trainer, Jacob’s Ladder and stair climbers to encourage you to reach a healthy heart beat!  Estep prides itself on operating a well maintained facility and an aerobics fitness program offering a variety of classes to meet the needs of every patron.

The current schedule showcases an array from which to choose.  Popular certified instructor lead classes such as Zumba® Fitness, Cycle, Total Pump, R.I.P.P.E.D.®, TRX® Circuit, Belly Dancing, Pilates, POUND®, Sweat & Sculpt, Dance Club Fitness, PiYo®, and more, can be found here. An exclusive program created at Estep is Boot Camp Xtreme (BCX).  This five to eight week intense program consists of the three major fundamentals of fitness: cardio, strength, and agility - and is as much physical as it is mental.  BCX is offered twice per year with a spring and fall session, limited to 20-30 participants.  BCX is not held within the walls of Estep but rather outside in the elements and at various MWR locations. 

Estep has a crew of dedicated employees, a majority of whom are trained, skilled and/or certified in some form of fitness such as Personal Training or Group/Specific Fitness.  Staff is consistently being trained to industry standards.  Estep’s standard of quality is, without a doubt, one of the best offered in its nearly quarter of a century existence.  Estep is an ever evolving place for fun fitness.  With a fast paced trending culture, it can be hard to keep up, but rest assured Team Estep is progressing in the industry and the community.

Estep Physical Fitness Center is open to all Active Duty, Retirees, National Guard, DoD Civilians, Contractors, Family Members and Guests.

Gertsch PFC - Max Patrons 1,030

Authorized Patrons

Individuals with a DoD ID Card:  Soldiers, Family Members, Retirees, Civilians
Patrons ages 13-15 must be accompanied by an adult.
Patrons age 16+ are allowed full access.

The mission of Gertsch Physical Fitness Center (PFC) is to maintain Soldier readiness and productivity by promoting Soldier and Family fitness, unit esprit de corps, a valued sense of community and an enviable quality of life as intended by DOD Directive and DFMWR Policy.

Gertsch PFC is conveniently located near several housing areas and post Lodging. It is easily found from off-post by simply coming in from Gate-6. Built in 1970, Gertsch PFC boasts a 8,560 sq ft weight room with a large variety of resistance machines and exercise stations.

Patron activities range from beginners seeking to tone-up, individuals recovering from injury, to competitive body-builders and heavy-lifters. Here is where you can do a total-body workout or isolate a specific muscle group or joint. There are also a variety of recently arrived cardio machines to include:

  • Treadmills
  • Elliptical cross-trainers
  • Upright and recumbent bikes
  • Stepmills
  • Jacobs ladder
  • Versa-climber
  • Adaptive motion trainers
  • Summit trainers
  • Indoor rowing machines.
  • Co-ed sauna
  • Well Beats interactive program

We are cross-fit friendly with tires, bumper plates, TRX straps, kettle-bells, and medicine balls.

In addition to supporting those on active duty, Gertsch PFC is very popular with many of the Army Civilians, Retired Veterans, military dependents and authorized long-term contractors.

Instructor Led Class Descriptions

Aqua Training Camp:  This aquatic class combines various types of resistance and cardio training, utilizing shallow and/or deep water.  It will prepare you for the next level in aquatic fitness. Beginner to intermediate.

Bagua: Emphasizes circular movement, and walking is most important.  Bagua uses movement as its foundation and uses transformation as its principle.

Barre: This class is a choreographed mix of dance, Pilates, yoga and functional training.  During this class you will utilize a ballet barre while focusing on small, pulsing movements.  You will focus on form, alignment, as well as core engagement.  The repetitions will be high and range-of-motion will typically be small.  Join us to work on developing lean muscle while improving flexibility, balance, posture, endurance, and muscle definition.

Body Skulpt: Body Skulpt is a total-body workout that will keep your body guessing—and transforming—with a variety of strength-training moves, cardio conditioning, and core work. In every class you'll tone strong, lean muscle, and together, you'll bust through any plateau that stands in your way.

Bootcamp/Muscle X: A total-body fitness program that uses gravity against the individual’s own body weight as well as a mixture of resistance equipment. This fast-paced workout will have you sweating from circuit to circuit, developing strength, balance, flexibility and core stability.

Capoeira: Is a martial art form that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music.  It's shaped by your personality, goals, and mentality.  You will learn how to disguise your movements with the constant movement of the basic stance called the Ginga.  With agility, skill and stamina, Capoeira will support the direction in which you decide to take, whether it's self-defense, health, or Family fun.

Cardio Strength: Combining both strength training and cardio into your workout can help you improve your form, endurance, and daily calorie burn.

COUNTRY HEAT™: Just like country line dancing gets everyone out on the dance floor, Country Heat Live draws everyone into the group fitness room. Each class is accessible to a wide range of participants, with easy to follow choreography, low impact steps, and moderate steady-state aerobic intensity that can be taken up or down a notch based on each individual's ability. It is the perfect class for those who are unfit or new to exercise, and is ideal for those who work out regularly as everyone needs one or more days of moderate aerobic activity in their weekly regimens. It is social, yet doesn't require a partner, and doesn't depend on any special dance background or ability. In short, Country Heat Live classes are high on energy, low on impact, and easy for anyone to follow along.

Cycle Fusion: Looking for a total-body workout that provides great cardio and plenty of strength training? Look no further than Cycle Fusion—a unique combination of high-energy indoor cycling and weight lifting. You’ll build strength, gain flexibility, and get a heart-pumping (and fun) revolutionary workout, all in one class! With moves and equipment that are easily modified, Cycle Fusion is great for people of all fitness levels—so what are you waiting for? Jump in, have a blast, and get ready for an amazing workout.

Cycling: Using stationary bikes, the instructor will lead you through a fantastic cardio class.

HITT: This is a cardio based workout packed with cardio drills, plyometrics and bodyweight strength moves.

Indoor Cycle/Spin®: A truly fantastic cardio class. Using stationary bikes the instructor simulates an outdoor bike ride that may include: traveling on flat roads, climbing hills, sprinting and jumps. In addition to the high caloric burn the lower body will tone and firm.

Integrated WOD: Integrated training is a program that incorporates multiple types of exercise together into a single program.  An example of an integrated program is one that includes flexibility, core work, balance training, resistance training, and cardiorespiratory exercises together into a single workout session.

Japanese Budo: Modern Budo emphasizes the personal, ethical and spiritual development as the ultimate goal of training. 

MMA Conditioning: MMA Conditioning is a mixed martial arts-inspired workout that puts a little hardcore into exercise in a non-contact, high-energy, total-body sculpting class.  With no equipment needed, the workout combines movements from western Boxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, and more to teach anyone how to move and train like a fighter— with agility, control, balance, and precision.  It’s a high-energy workout, with 3-minute rounds of fight combinations, spikes, and conditioning movements.  Throughout the class, the focus is core-centric movement designed to develop a strong, powerful core.

Morning Mash-Up:  If you love a fitness class that is ever changing and keeps you on your toes, look no further.  You never know what you’re going to get with our Morning Mash-Up!  This hour long class is a mix up of cardio, HIIT, strength training, and dynamic flexibility all rolled into one.

Munchkin & Me Boot Camp: We understand the juggling life of parenthood and want to help!  Bring your child/children (ages 3 and up) to workout together and have some family fitness fun!  Boot Camp is a total-body fitness program that uses gravity against the individual’s own body weight as well as a mixture of resistance equipment. This fast-paced workout will have you sweating from circuit to circuit, developing strength, balance, flexibility and core stability.

Power Cycle: An intense ride with strong hills, jumps, sprints and runs focused on giving you the strongest ride you can pack into this great 45 minute class.

POUND®: Is a full-body workout that combines cardio, conditioning, and strength training with yoga and Pilates-inspired movements.  POUND® is designed for all fitness levels and transforms drumming into an incredibly effective way to workout.

Power Hour: This hardcore class is designed for the mentally tough!  This is a total body strength, cardiovascular, and endurance workout.  An array of equipment will be utilized as well as your own bodyweight.  Prepare to bust through your comfort zone and blast the stubborn fat that seems to just keep holding on. 

Spin/Barre Fusion:  If you are looking for something new or out of your comfort zone – come try Spin®/Barre Fusion.  This hour long class is great for all fitness levels.  You will scorch fat while also building those long, lean, strong muscles.  Join us for 30 minutes of intense indoor cycling followed by 30 minutes of grueling pulses from a great barre class.

Spinning: is a form of exercise with classes focusing on endurance, strength, intervals, high intensity, and recovery.

Stretch & Flow: Stretch & Flow is a unique combination of Pilates mat exercises, Yoga poses, strength conditioning, flexibility and dynamic balance. It is fast paced, low impact, yet challenging high energy workout that is similar to Vinyasa style yoga. In this wonderfully dynamic class you will learn movements that elongate muscles, release tension, improve posture, deepen breath, strengthen the core, visibly improve muscle tone all while burning calories and improving your mind/body connection.

Total Body HITT: This is a cardio-based workout that combines the best of HITT and strength moves designed to help you get fit fast!  Each high energy workout is packed with cardio drills, plyometrics, and bodyweight strength moves with no weights required.  Each exercise is tailored to suit every fitness level.

Total Pump: This is an exciting, energetic weight training class that strengthens the entire body, regardless of gender. Class is performed to selected music using free weights, barbells and an aerobic step. 

Turbo Kick®: The ultimate cardiovascular challenge that combines movements, patterns and agility training specific to the sport of kickboxing (includes many forms). A high energy class that keeps your feet moving and heart rate revved. The muscular power gained is priceless.

Turn Up:  Turn Up is a dance fitness class which combines the FUN of dance with strength and HITT training to give you a workout that will have you dripping sweat!  The music is mainly hip-hop beats and the moves are challenging yet easy to follow.

Work-Train-Fight Boxing: This boxing class will not only focus on the offensive aspect of boxing, it will delve further into defense, to include head movement, footwork, counter punching, and blocking.  The class will also include cardiovascular exercises, muscle group exercises and additional instructional time to ensure all participants are up to par on proper boxing techniques.

Xtreme Burn: Sixty minutes of non-stop, hard-hitting cardio. This class is appropriate for all fitness levels and will have you shedding pounds like you never imagined.

Xtreme Hip-Hop: A high-energy cardio step aerobics class based on the exercise format popular in the 1990's.  Xtreme has been combined with the step board, hip-hop music and lots of swag to provide our fitness Family with a fresh spin on an old concept.  We are making STEP great again!

Yoga: Yoga (Flow & Hatha) Beginner and Prenatal friendly.  You will be encouraged to find strength and flexibility within the body.  Hatha Yoga is a series of positions that will flow together with your breath.  The practice of Yoga improves posture, circulation, and spine mobility. As well as reduces stress, fatigue and chronic pain.  Bringing a mindful awareness and clarity to your day.

Zumba®: A super fun and high energy dance fitness workout featuring Latin, Hip Hop and various other dance styles for a workout that is bound to get your heart rate up, your body moving and make you SWEAT!  This exercise in disguise class is moderate to intense yet appropriate for all fitness levels since you are the dancer moving to the beat of the music.

Personal Training


Our trainers have a deep passion for helping people of all ages gain confidence and feel better about themselves by achieving their fitness goals and improving their health through cardiovascular training, strength training, and proper nutrition. We design each one of our training programs to fit the unique needs of each individual, based on their wants, needs, goals, and current fitness level.

We not only want to help you reach your full potential and goals, but we also want to educate you on how to get there and maintain an active lifestyle. So whether your goal is to lose body fat, to gain muscle and strength, to become a better athlete, or to just live a healthier lifestyle, we can help you!

Benefits of a Personal Trainer:

One on one attention, perfecting technique to get the greatest benefit out of your workout, targeting your specific goals (fat loss, muscle growth, endurance, strength gains, agility, flexibility, etc) and ACCOUNTABILITY.

Who should do it:

ANYONE! Those who've hit a plateau, those who are new to working out, anyone seeking more guidance with their workouts or those training for a specific event.

How to get started!

Our front desk staff can answer any questions you might have, and can get you started on your way to a stronger you!

Personal Trainer Packages:

1 - 30 minute Personal Trainer Session - $30

1 - 60 minute Personal Trainer Session - $40

1 - Buddy Session - $50

3 - 1 hour Personal Trainer Sessions - $105

6 - 1 hour Personal Trainer Sessions - $180

The Personal Trainers are health & fitness professionals who perform individualized assessments, and design safe, effective and individualized exercise and conditioning programs which are scientifically valid and based on clinical evidence, to clients with no medical or special needs. They provide the guidance to help clients achieve their personal health, fitness and performance goals via the implementation of exercise programs, nutritional recommendations and suggestions in lifestyle modification. They hold a current emergency cardiac care (CPR) certification and respond appropriately in emergency situations. Certified Personal Trainers do not diagnose and/or treat areas of pain or disease and will refer clients to other health care professionals/practitioners when appropriate. They abide by a Code of Professional Conduct at all times.


Fort Campbell Physical Fitness Center Map


More Recreation


MWR and Operation Made Present: Handmade Market 2025

Join us for a special weekend as MWR partners with Operation Made to host a vibrant Craft & Goods Market featuring a diverse selection of vendors!

Mar 23 12 pm - 4 pm

Dollar Daze at Hooper Bowling Center

Bowling fun at just $1 per game, plus $1 shoe rentals – all day every Sunday!

Mar 23 12 pm - 7 pm

Ford Military Week and Preds Watch Party

Join us for an unforgettable Preds Watch Party as we celebrate Ford Military Week at Cole Park Commons! Hosted by Wayne D & DJ Battle, this FREE event is the perfect way to enjoy the game with fellow fans and our military community.

Mar 23 4 pm - 8 pm

Ford Military Week and Preds Watch Party

Join us for an unforgettable Preds Watch Party as we celebrate Ford Military Week at Cole Park Commons! Hosted by Wayne D & DJ Battle, this FREE event is the perfect way to enjoy the game with fellow fans and our military community.

Mar 23 4 pm - 8 pm

2024 Winter Swim Lessons: April

Dive into fun this winter at Gardner Pool! We're thrilled to announce our fall & winter swimming lessons for both kids and adults. With sessions running October 2024 - April 2025 available, there's something for everyone. January Registration: 03/17 - 03/31

Mar 24 8 am

2024 Winter Swim Lessons: April

Dive into fun this winter at Gardner Pool! We're thrilled to announce our fall & winter swimming lessons for both kids and adults. With sessions running October 2024 - April 2025 available, there's something for everyone. January Registration: 03/17 - 03/31

Mar 24 8 am

Tolkien Reading Day at R.F. Sink Library

Join us for an epic celebration of the legendary works of J.R.R. Tolkien on this special day!

Mar 25 9 am - 7 pm

Hump Day Special at Hooper Bowling

Every Wednesday from 11am - 2pm and 5pm - 9pm

Mar 26

Quartermania Bowling at Hooper Bowling Center

Every Thursday from 5pm to 9pm

Mar 27 5 pm - 9 pm

National Rubber Ducky Day at Gardner Pool

Come and celebrate National Rubber Ducky Day with us at Gardner Indoor Pool on March 28th! Enjoy swimming, engaging activities, and take home your very own rubber ducky friend!

Mar 28 5 pm - 8 pm

Pizza, Pins & Pop at Hooper Bowling Center

Every Saturday - all day during open bowl.

Mar 29 10 am - 10 pm

Burgess Falls Hike

Join us for a scenic adventure to Burgess Falls! This 1.5-mile round-trip hike will take participants through breathtaking landscapes, featuring stunning waterfalls and vibrant spring wildflowers.

Apr 3 7 am - 6 pm

BOSS Golf Tournament 2025

Join BOSS for a day of friendly competition and camaraderie on the green! We're hosting an 18-hole golf tournament at Cole Park Commons Golf Course to promote division esprit de corps and unit involvement. Gather your team and get ready to tee off!

Apr 4 7 am - 1 pm

Homeschool Science Club

Calling All Young Scientists! Join the Homeschool Science Club! Unleash your inner scientist at the R.F. Sink Memorial Library's Homeschool Science Club! This club is a fantastic opportunity for middle schoolers to explore the wonders of science in a fun, hands-on environment.

Apr 7 2 pm - 4 pm

Payday Golf Scramble

"SWING" into Fun with Our Payday Golf Scramble! Open to Soldiers, Retirees, Veterans, DoD Civilians.
First Friday of each month!

Apr 11 1 pm

Payday Golf Scramble

"SWING" into Fun with Our Payday Golf Scramble! Open to Soldiers, Retirees, Veterans, DoD Civilians.
First Friday of each month!

Apr 11 1 pm

Warrior Zone Trivia Night

Join us for an exciting series of Trivia Nights at the Warrior Zone! Test your knowledge and trivia skills and compete for awesome prizes!

Apr 11 6 pm - 8 pm

Some Bunny Loves You

Bring your family pets to the MWR Kennels for a special Easter experience! Let your furry friends meet the Easter Bunny and capture the moment with a photo in the Easter Bunny’s special basket!

Apr 12 8 am - 3 pm

Texas Hold'em Poker Tournament at the Tilt N Tap

Spread the word and bring your poker face, get ready to shuffle up and deal! Join us for a night of high-stakes fun at the Tilt N Tap's electrifying Poker Night. Whether you're a card shark or a casual player, this is your chance to test your skills and win some prizes!

Apr 12 5 pm - 10:30 pm

Victorian Teatime Book Club

Enjoy lively discussions over a warm cup of tea and a biscuit, sharing your passion for the era’s timeless stories and cultural richness.

Apr 16 5 pm - 7 pm

Easter Egg Hunt at Gardner Pool

Join us at Gardner Pool for an Egg-citing Egg Hunt! We're hosting four egg-citing Easter Egg hunts! Each egg hunt will be geared towards different age groups. Pre-registration is required.

Apr 19 11 am - 4 pm

Doubles Pickleball Tournament - Double Elimination

Get Ready to Rumble on the Pickleball Court, Calling all pickleball enthusiasts! Get ready for some exciting competition at the Shaw PFC Doubles Pickleball Tournament. Grab your partner and get ready to battle it out for the win!

May 3 8 am - 3 pm

Cornhole Tournament at Warrior Zone

Toss Some Bags & Win Big at Warrior Zone's Cornhole Tournament! Get ready for a night of friendly competition and wing-slinging fun at the Warrior Zone Cornhole Tournament! Blind draw, double elimination and prizes!

May 21 6 pm - 9 pm

Cornhole Tournament at Warrior Zone

Toss Some Bags & Win Big at Warrior Zone's Cornhole Tournament! Get ready for a night of friendly competition and wing-slinging fun at the Warrior Zone Cornhole Tournament! Blind draw, double elimination and prizes!

May 21 6 pm - 9 pm