An official army family and MWR Site

Family Advocacy Program

To speak to a Victim Advocate about domestic abuse, call the 24/7 hotline at 931-980-5787.  To report problematic sexual behavior between children and youth, call 270-412-5500.   To report Child abuse/neglect or domestic abuse, call 270-798-8601 during duty hours and 270-798-8400 after duty hours. 



Family Advocacy Program (FAP)
BLDG 1501 William Lee Road
Fort Campbell, Kentucky 42223
United States

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Hours of Operation:


7:30am - 4:00pm


9:00am - 4:00pm

Wednesday - Friday

7:30am - 4:00pm

Saturday & Sunday


Federal Holidays


Training Holiday

7:30am - 4:00pm


The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) helps Soldiers and their Families recognize and prepare for the unique challenges of military lifestyles. Our services include classes and workshops on topics such as parenting, communication, conflict resolution, anger management, and other topics that build or strengthen healthy relationships.   

ACS FAP also leads Fort Campbell's annual awareness campaigns on Teen Dating Violence, Child Abuse Prevention, Domestic Violence Prevention, and Safe Sleep with the goal of strengthening military Families.  

There are three sections within FAP which are Prevention Education, New Parent Support Program, and Victim Advocate Program.  In addition to these three sections, FAP also coordinates the response to reports of problematic sexual behavior between children and youth.


Training and Educational Programs:

Parenting Workshops-

Active Parenting First Five Years

A complete parenting workshop focused on children 1-5 years of age in four-sessions to address basic skills for new parents, caregivers, and early childhood staff training. 

Active Parenting 5-12

A video-based interactive program provides parents with the skills they need to meet the challenges of rearing children in today's turbulent society. Designed for parents of children ages 5 to 12. Topics include understanding behavior, responsibility, natural & logical consequences and communication.

Active Parenting of Teens

Parenting class focused on teens. Topics include responsibility and discipline, building courage, strategies to prevent high-risk behavior and parenting for adulthood.

Blended Families

Provides the guidance and support you need to turn stepfamily challenges into opportunities for growth and satisfaction--not just for the kids' sake, but parents as well. It gives parents in stepfamilies hope to develop the skills they need for a healthy, peaceful, active, courageous, and loving family.

Co-Parenting / Children in the Middle

A parent education program for divorced, separated, living apart parents, step-parents and other caregivers. Reduce family conflict with healthy communication. 

Effective Discipline

A single session class that focuses on how parents can incorporate, "discipline that teaches responsibility". The session covers proper use of communication techniques; and the use of natural and logical consequences. The learning process incorporates watch and learn vignettes; group discussion and some relevant activities. 

Fatherhood Connection

Interactive workshop for all Fathers to help strengthen the bond with their children. Topics of Discussion: children's developmental stages, identifying roles the father plays in the Family, identify factors that help and hinder your bond, and discover discipline techniques. 

5 Love Languages of Children

Based on Dr. Gary Chapman's book. This fun parenting workshop encourages parents to speak each of their children's love language which promotes them into becoming a well-adjusted adults.

5 Love Language of Teens

Based on Dr. Gary Chapman's book. This fun parenting workshop encourages parents to speak each of their children's love language which promotes them into becoming well-adjusted adults.


Life Skills Seminars-

Keeping Your Cool When Things Get Heated

Learn the basics of anger and the skills that will enable you to effectively manage your anger. Reduce conflict and recognize that your thoughts determine your anger, control your thinking, and maintain composure and perspective when dealing with anger. 

Connection Through Communication

Come join us for a fun, casual class and learn ways to enhance your relationship and strengthen your connection. We will have an open and honest discussion about communication during conflict, values and beliefs in communication. 

5 Love Languages of Couples

Based on Dr. Gary Chapman's book. A communication and Family enrichment workshop to provide couples the tools to speak their mate's primary love language. 

5 Love Languages of Singles

The Five Love Languages of Singles will help you understand yourself and others better, date more successfully and find the secret that will revolutionize your relationship. 

ScreamFree Marriage

ScreamFree Marriage presents 9 Principles to Enhance Couple Relationships provided in a three session workshop.

Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work

This workshop is based on Dr. John Gottman's four decades of research on relationships. This workshop will provide couples with practical tools to enhance and improve their relationship in the following areas: friendship, fondness and admiration, romance and intimacy, managing conflict constructively, and communication. 


Unit Training-

Annual FAP Command Briefing

FAP facilitates the annual deskside briefing IAW AR 608-18 to all levels of command and senior NCO advisers. Personnel are required to complete the briefing within 90 days of assuming command or responsibility and annually thereafter. The briefing covers the installation policy which addresses family violence, command responsibility, local trends, and available resources. To schedule a briefing, command teams should contact FAP at (270) 412-5500.

NCO Guide to Prevention

This highly interactive program focuses on E-5s through E-8s. It is designed to assist NCOs in recognizing problems at the lowest level and knowing what resources are available. The intent is to assist Soldiers and Families in resolving problems before they become a crisis and interfere in the mission. A few of the topics include effective communication, services available and shared experiences. Scheduled through interested companies. Classes are kept to 25 NCOs or less.

Annual FAP Troop Training

The annual training is required for all Soldiers IAW AR 608-18. This one hour training is scheduled with command and facilitated at Brigade, Battalion, or Company level. Through this training Soldiers are informed of services available through FAP, the dynamics of family violence, reporting procedures for abuse, and the installation’s policy regarding domestic violence and child abuse.


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