An official army family and MWR Site

Financial Readiness Program


📢❗ OFF-LIMITS ESTABLISHMENTS (Surrounding Community's) UPDATED: 01/30/25

Click here for a pdf version of the Off-Limits Establishments Memorandum

As of January 22, 2025, these establishments/areas are declared off-limits to military personnel. If in any case the name or owner has changed, the address shall remain off-limits.
Oak Grove, Kentucky
  • Kingsdale Trailer Park, Banks Road, Christian County, Kentucky.
  • Shady Oaks (Previously known as Brayboys), 554 Thompsonville Lane.
  • Carter's Mobile Home Park, 9351 Pembroke Oak Grove Road.
  • Adult Toy Box & Tobacco Super Store (Toy Box & Stuff) 15708-D Ft Campbell Blvd.
  • Let Freedom Reign, or any solicitation business operated by Bob Gaskins.
  • Any current or future business owned, operated or having proprietary interest in by Mr. Basel Ghalayini.
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
  • Performance Transmission, 602 S. Virginia Street (Also known as: American
    Transmission Center, Gateway Transmission Center, Budget, Budget Automobile,
    Budget Transmission Center, All Pro Transmission Center, American Transmission
    Center, American Discount Transmission, Gateway, Clarksville Transmission Center,
    Cottman Transmission, Tranzmaster Transmission, AAMCO and ACG Transmission), or
    any future automotive repair shop owned and/or operated by Joe or Josh Chisenhall.
  • Let Freedom Reign, or any solicitation business operated by Bob Gaskins.
Clarksville, Tennessee
  • Darnell Mobile Home Park, 290 Darnell Street, Clarksville, TN 37042.
  • Church Court Apartments, 207 Church Court, Clarksville, TN 37042.
  • Blue Sky Estates, 920 Power Street, Clarksville, TN 37042.
  • Live Oaks Village Mobile Home Park, 708 Providence Boulevard (New Providence Mobile Home Park / Shady Rest Mobile Home Park), Clarksville, TN 37042.
  • Ringgold Creek (only off-limits for swimming), Fort Campbell Boulevard / 41 A.
  • Laptoyz / Britlee / MilitaryZone.Com (Or operated in Governor's Square Mall or any other location in the State of Tennessee).
  • Prewitt's Mobile Home Park, 2424 Whitfield Road, Clarksville, TN 37040.
  • Atlas Transmission, 113 Hornberger Lane, Clarksville, TN 37040 (Also known
    as: Performance Transmission, American Transmission Center, Gateway Transmission
    Center, Budget, Budget Automobile, Budget Transmission Center, All Pro Transmission
    Center, American Transmission Center, American Discount Transmission, Gateway,
    Clarksville Transmission Center, Cottman Transmission, Tranzmaster Transmission,
    AAMCO and ACG Transmission or any future automotive repair shop owned or operated
    by Josh or Joe Chisenhall).
  • Let Freedom Reign, or any solicitation business operated by Bob Gaskins.
  • American Financial Systems, Joseph Huff (Proprietor).
  • WC Inc, (William Cosgrove, Sales Rep) 39 South La Salle Street, Suite 1125, Chicago, IL.
  • Lee's Lounge, 2481 Fort Campbell Boulevard, Clarksville, TN 37042.
  • Winner's Circle Motel, 3430 Fort Campbell Boulevard, Clarksville, TN 37042.
  • Storage Rentals of America, 519 Lafayette Road, Clarksville, TN 37042.
  • Storage Rentals of America, 650 Huntco Drive, Clarksville, TN 37043.
  • Devon Self Storage, 1683, Fort Campbell Boulevard, Clarksville, TN 37042.
  • Any business owned or operated by Amber Warford.
  • Superior Carpentry or any business owned or operated by William Coffee.
  • N'Quire Bar & Lounge, 700 N Riverside Drive, Clarksville, TN 37040.
Nashville, Tennessee
  • Military Housing Department and any business operated by Mr. Thomas E. Bowen, wherever it may be located.
  • All bodies and streams of water on Fort Campbell are off-limits for unauthorized water sports and activities.
  • All rock quarries, both active and abandoned, within Kentucky and Tennessee are off­ limits for all purposes. The only exceptions to this prohibition are:
    - The Cerulean Spring Quarry, Cadiz, Kentucky, may be used for scuba diving only during operating hours.
    - Martha's Quarry, located east of Lebanon, Tennessee may be only used by certified divers and dive students accompanied by a certified instructor. Due to the high cliffs, non-diving recreational use is not permitted.
    - Cowan Quarry, located south of Cowan, Tennessee, and may be only used by certified divers and dive students accompanied by a certified instructor. Due to the high cliffs, non-diving recreational use is not permitted.
    - Hopkinsville Diving Quarry, located off exit 9, adjacent Pennyrile Parkway, and 680. Non-diving recreational use is not permitted.
Military personnel observed in off-limits establishments are in violation of a lawful general order and are subject to apprehension for violation of Article 92, UCMJ.
This off-limits list supersedes the Off-Limits Establishments memorandum dated October 24, 2023.
Off-Limits Establishments are prohibited from advertising on the Installation.
Point of contact for this action is the Director of Emergency Services at 270-412-0176.


Financial Readiness Program
BLDG 5662 Screaming Eagle Blvd.
Fort Campbell, Kentucky 42223
United States


Hours of Operation:


7:30am - 4:00pm


9:00am - 4:00pm

Wednesday - Friday

7:30am - 4:00pm

Saturday & Sunday


Federal Holidays


Training Holiday

7:30am - 4:00pm


We provide personal financial and consumer affairs counseling, as well as assistance through Army Emergency Relief (AER) to eligible Service members, their dependents, DoD Civilians, and Retirees.

Please call +1(270) 798-5518 to schedule an appointment.

AER assistance is provided on a walk-in basis.

We assist unit commanders and leaders in training Soldiers and Family Members in personal financial readiness to include: the military pay system, bank account/debit card management, financial responsibility, credit reporting, savings, investing, and a host of other financial topics.


Financial Counseling

One-on-One Financial Counseling: Whether you are just starting your career, or are close to retirement, ACS Financial Readiness Accredited Financial Counselors are here to set you up for financial success. From building a spending plan and managing debt to smart investing and retirement planning, we can help you take charge of your hard earned money.

Start with creating your Spending Plan:
👉 Click Here to View 👈

Consumer Affairs
  • Consumer complaint mediation
  • FREE Carfax reports
  • FREE credit reports and scores
  • Help with identity theft
  • Review of any contract, agreement, lease, or policy- PRIOR to SIGNING

Check your free annual credit reports:

Army Emergency Relief

Army Emergency Relief (AER) is a private, non-profit organization established in 1942 to assist Soldiers and their Family members in emergency financial situations due to no fault of their own. Financial assistance is given in the form of an interest-free loan, grant, or combination of the two. Loans are repaid by an allotment. AER funding comes from donations.

AER Form 101 Application and Checklist for AER Assistance (pdf)

AER Form 57 Budget Planning Sheet (pdf)

Other AER Forms are available at:

To manage your current loan, make a payment, apply for assistance, or to donate to AER:

Education Program is AER's secondary mission- to help Army Families with the cost of education. For more information or to apply for one of the scholarships please visit:

Free Recurring Classes

Please call (270)798-5518 to register no later than the Friday before event.

  • Money Management Class
    2nd Wednesday of Each Month
    9 - 11 a.m.
    Your money is a huge part of your life. It can determine what you can do and where you can go. Learning how to manage your money the right way is an important step toward taking control of your life. Join this class to learn about how to make sure that the way you manage your money falls in line with the values that matter most to you.
  • Thrift Savings Plan Class
    3rd Wednesday of Each Month
    10 - 11 a.m.
    Thinking about retirement? You should, because Social Security alone will not cover you when you retire. Come learn about the TSP, and how the magic of compound interest and returns of your TSP funds could get you to your financial happy place by the time you reach retirement age.
  • How to Buy a House Class
    2nd Tuesday of Each Month
    1 - 3 p.m.
    For many people, it's the biggest financial transaction they'll ever make.That's why doing it right the first time is so important. Sometimes, buying a house can feel like a dizzying set of rules and regulations. This free class will give you the right knowledge so you can start realizing your homeowner dreams.
Training- Financial Milestones in the Military

In-person Group Training available upon request by calling 270-798-5518

  • Promotion
  • PCS
  • Vesting in TSP and Continuation Pay
  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Birth of First child

Individual online training available here:

Additional Resources

FC-ACS_DeploymentHandbook.png👆 Click to download